Monday, 9 January 2017

R14 scooter monitor

Yet another project.

Not happy with the stock battery monitoring system on my R14 I decided to build something that would give a little more information.

I used an ATTINY85 running Arduino.

Basically it looks for a voltage drop across the scooters battery and if it sees this will measure the voltage and display it in a some what modifies Smithers code.
Lots of green flashes= lots of voltage
less green flashes= less voltage
At half capacity the flashes turn red and the less capacity the more flashes.

If the motor has not been run for a few minutes then the monitor will go into sleep mode.
It will wake up every so often to see if the scooter is in use. When it wakes up it will also display its own batteries level via a single quick flash of the LED. Green= good, Blue= not so good. Red= time to charge.

I decided to use a dedicated battery for the monitor so I didnt have to worry about building a voltage step down circuit.
As it is the monitors battery should last a couple of years in sleep mode.

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